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Tutorial: full modelling form, monolayer polymer

In this short tutorial a migration simulation will be done step-by-step for the migrant 4-vinylcyclohexene (CAS 100-40-3) from a monolayer polymer into olive oil.

  1. Go to out site and the stage "production" or "testing" for migraDASH
  2. Login in with you credentials.
  3. Click on the "full modelling form".
  4. Insert the temperature 60 and the time 10 days into as the change cycle. change cycle
  5. Choose "polyethylene (PE)" as the polymer and insert a layer name "polymer" and the thickness 250 µm into the matrix section. matrix layer 1
  6. Add a second layer with the -Button.
  7. Choose "olive oil" from the dropdown menu of layer 2 and insert the layer name "food" the thickness 16.6667 mm matrix layer 2
  8. Add the contact area 600 cm². matrix layer 3
  9. Insert the cas number 100-40-3 into the migrant name in the migrant section an click on "migraBASE". migrant 1 This will look up the cas number in the migraBASE database and fill in the molar mass and the log Pow.
  10. Insert the initial mass fraction 200 mg/kg for the polymer layer, ant select Piringer for the computation of the diffusion coefficient. migrant 2
  11. Insert "0 mg/kg" for the initial mass fraction for the food layer and select predefined for the computatio of the diffusion coefficient. Select logPow for the computation of the partition coefficient. migrant 3
  12. Press the "Submit"-button. In a new window the result of the simulation will be shown. result
  13. You can view the migration profile and the mass fraction profile in two graphs.
  14. Press the -button and wait for the preparation of the report and the start of the download of the PDF-file.